Thursday, March 29, 2018

March 2018



In the month of March, I had the pleasure of continuing to volunteer with Edible School Yard.  I spent some time in cooking classes this month assisting the students with different tasks.  Some of these tasks included knife safety, measuring cup assistance, and serving their final food creations.   I also spent some time assisting with the clean up, which can be a daunting job after multiple classes have been in the kitchen.  However, it is a wonderful experience and I have really enjoyed watching the excitement of the students as they learn about new cuisines and healthy options. 

This month, I also volunteered at Edible School Yard’s annual fundraiser, Edible Evening.  The fundraiser took place at Langston Hughes Academy, and was spread out throughout the gym, cafeteria, and gardens.  The school was completely transformed and it was a very beautifully decorated event.  Restaurants throughout New Orleans volunteered their services and dishes.   After attending an orientation, I was assigned to assist the restaurants.  I made sure that the restaurants had everything they needed to properly serve their dishes.  I assisted them with gathering supplies and utensils, as well as setting up.  The event was a great success and many funds were raised. 

March Hours: 15
Cumulative Hours: 18